The hottest ticket in town!
Craig David to perform at exclusive celebration
to reward young Jewish volunteers
Thanks to generous support from the Genesis Philanthropy Group, any young person that completes one of JLGB’s evolve awards or qualifications this academic year, including the Yoni Jesner Award, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, National Citizen Service, vinspired or OCN, will be invited to an exclusive ceremony and concert to celebrate their achievements...
The hottest ticket in town!
Craig David to perform at exclusive celebration
to reward young Jewish volunteers
Thanks to generous support from the Genesis Philanthropy Group, any young person that completes one of JLGB’s evolve awards or qualifications this academic year, including the Yoni Jesner Award, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, National Citizen Service, vinspired or OCN, will be invited to an exclusive ceremony and concert to celebrate their achievements.
This once in a lifetime event will take place on the evening of Wednesday 18th September in a prestigious London venue and will culminate in a headline performance by RnB superstar Craig David. Over 1,000 people, including parents, teachers, charity partners, community leaders and some very exciting VIP guests, will gather together to recognise the phenomenal achievements of young volunteers and their impact across the Jewish community and wider society.
The Lord Levy, JLGB President said: “We are thrilled that Craig David has agreed to headline the largest ever celebration to take place in the Jewish community, recognising the vital impact young people are making through volunteering in our community and wider society. Thanks to Craig David and the generous support of GPG and the #iwill Lottery Match Fund, we know that this event will be the catalyst to encourage hundreds more young people to complete their awards. By 2021, we hope that over 15,000 young people will be volunteering in their local community through the evolve initiative.”
Ilia Salita, President and CEO of Genesis Philanthropy Group said: “GPG is delighted to support this landmark event to recognise and thank all young people who give their time and their talents for others. The remarkable contribution young volunteers make to the UK Jewish community and to society in general is something we can all be proud of. That is why this high-profile occasion, headlined by multi platinum-selling artist Craig David, is not just for volunteers themselves, but also for their families, teachers and all organisations that enable volunteering across the community. We hope this celebration will encourage even more young people to sign up to the evolve platform and to express their Jewish identity through helping others”.
Craig David said: "I’m really looking forward to being part of JLGB’s evolve celebration event rewarding outstanding contributions made by hundreds of remarkable young volunteers and can’t wait to see you there”.
It is not too late for young people to earn their invitation to this once in a lifetime event by signing up, logging their volunteering hours and completing their award on evolve by the end of July.
To unlock the hottest ticket in town go to
About the evolve young volunteering & skills initiative - evolve is a Jewish community-wide collective impact project that is being heralded as revolution in youth volunteering and is JLGB's response to the ever-changing needs of young volunteers. JLGB’s vision is to create a fully accessible, age-progressive volunteering journey that removes faith and cultural barriers to participation for young people throughout primary and secondary school and on to university.
Each year, evolve engages and empowers thousands of young people by enhancing their employability and providing them with transferable skills to become active citizens in their local community and wider society. Over the next three years, thanks to funding from Genesis Philanthropy Group and the #iwill Lottery Match Fund, JLGB hope to make the contributions of young people ever more visible and valued within communities, promote positive messages about the range of volunteering opportunities available, and to harness the collective impact of youth volunteers.
About Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG) - Genesis Philanthropy Group (GPG) is a global foundation, co-founded by Mikhail Fridman, an international businessman, investor and philanthropist, and his business partners. GPG primarily, but not exclusively, focuses its philanthropic support on developing and enhancing Jewish identity among Russian-speaking Jews worldwide. To learn more, visit
>> CloseThe following opportunities on this page are all volunteering opportunities. Whilst you may want to apply to these volunteering opportunities, please note these do not contribute towards the ORT JUMP programme. To complete your ORT JUMP programme you must attend 4 mentoring sessions, which will be assigned to you. |
Welcome to evolve's COVID-19 emergency opportunity page!
During these unprecedented times finding volunteering may be difficult, so below is a curated list of COVID-19 friendly opportunities that you are able to complete remotely! To apply to any of our volunteering opportunities make sure to sign up to properly track your volunteering journey and log your volunteering hours for national award progress. Happy volunteering! The evolve team |
Your account is still being approved by our team and will be ready for use soon. You will receive an email once it has been approved.
For enquiries please contact us at |
You can not log your sessions until you have been assigned to a mentoring opportunity. You will receive an email once you have been matched with a mentor.
For enquiries please contact us at |
Thank you for submitting this opportunity. Our team will review it and approve of it as soon as possible.
For enquiries please contact us at |
Congratulations! You've logged 20 hours for your Yoni Jesner Award. There's just one more step you need to do to complete the Award. There are 4 quick questions that we would like to ask you about your experience. Please click 'Next' to continue… |
Mazel Tov you have completed the Yoni Jesner 20 Award! This is a fantastic achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! We look forward to celebrating with you at our national award ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end; log 30 more hours of volunteering and you will be awarded the Yoni Jesner 50 Award! |
Congratulations! You've logged 50 hours for your Yoni Jesner Award. There's just one more step you need to do to complete the Award. There are 4 quick questions that we would like to ask you about your experience. Please click 'Next' to continue… |
Mazel Tov you have completed the Yoni Jesner 50 Award! This is a fantastic achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! We look forward to celebrating with you at our National Award Ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end; log 50 more hours of volunteering and you will be awarded the Yoni Jesner 100 Award! |
A huge Mazel Tov on completing your Yoni Jesner 100 award! This is the most impressive award of all and you should be very proud of yourself for achieving this! We look forward to celebrating with you at our National Award Ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end, your next award is just around the corner; keep volunteering and learn new skills by signing up to Bronze DofE in September. |
You have now completed your ORT JUMP Programme! Please complete the following essay to finalise your progress. You have successfully completed 4 mentoring sessions. This is a great achievement and you will have made a big impact on your mentee. WELL DONE! The evolve team. |
Your Volunteering hours has been approved. Please click on the button below to download your certificate. Click here to see instructions on how to upload your certificate to eDofE |
Step 1. Log in to Step 2. Click on Volunteering section Step 3. Click on manage evidence Step 4. Add photo or file evidence of certificate Step 5. Select your leader Step 6. Click save and submit After you have completed all of the above steps, click on "select for assessor report." This notifies your leader that this section is ready for approval. |
Yoni Jesner Info |
Thank you for signing up to evolve!
Our team will verify your application as soon as they can get in touch with you for your login details. We look forward to welcoming you on to our volunteering network! The evolve team |
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