Corporate partnerships are a vital revenue stream for the JLGB and companies like Creative Skills have had a major impact on young people as part of their corporate social responsibility. Through benefit in kind and donation of services and time we are able to provide more activities that reach the entire Jewish community. This includes providing a comprehensive range of local weekly activities, national awards and international programmes, all designed to remove barriers and engage thousands of young people.
Instead of offering 'off the shelf' packages, we work with each corporate partner to look at the shared values of our organisations and discuss how a partnership can support young people while bringing mutual benefit to society and enhancing the partners’ business profile through corporate social responsibility.
Corporate partnerships are a vital revenue stream for the JLGB and companies like Creative Skills have had a major impact on young people as part of their corporate social responsibility. Through benefit in kind and donation of services and time we are able to provide more activities that reach the entire Jewish community. This includes providing a comprehensive range of local weekly activities, national awards and international programmes, all designed to remove barriers and engage thousands of young people.
Instead of offering 'off the shelf' packages, we work with each corporate partner to look at the shared values of our organisations and discuss how a partnership can support young people while bringing mutual benefit to society and enhancing the partners’ business profile through corporate social responsibility.
There are many ways in which corporates can support JLGB, with opportunities ranging from printing our Summer Camp or Israel Tour t-shirts and purchasing or hiring instruments or equipment to larger scale projects such as sponsoring a minibus, supporting our Duke of Edinburgh's Award provision or offering pro bono support including digital expertise.
One of our most outstanding corporate partners is Creative Skills who have helped us build the evolve digital platform which is the backbone of JLGB’s ‘evolve – youth volunteering and skills initiative’.
The evolve platform streamlines the way young people are matched to volunteering placements and record their experiences. evolve is unique because it aligns volunteering and social action projects to national awards such as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, vinspired and NCS, creating an age progressive journey for young people to fully access the rewards and recognition they deserve.
Talking about evolve, JLGB Chief Executive, Neil Martin OBE recently said;
“Addressing the gap between education and the workplace, evolve uses digital technology to match young people with opportunities based on the skills, interests and career ideas that they currently have and would like to learn. Built into evolve are the necessary tools to help young people discover opportunities and increase their awareness of other activities, awards and recognition which they can pursue. More importantly, evolve’s collective impact provides parents, charities, schools, youth groups and businesses with the tools to encourage the young people they work with to access these opportunities, activities and awards, and manage their progress to see these through to their completion.”
Discussing the partnership, Director of Creative Skills, Pramod Nahata said:
“Creative Skills are delighted to do some corporate social responsibility and it is great for our team to build a website and do programming for a charity that is doing so much to benefit the future of young people. It has been a pleasure to work with the JLGB team to make the evolve dream a reality.”
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Pramod and his team of programmers, for everything they have done to support JLGB and help us revolutionise volunteering.
JLGB have exciting plans to expand, reach and provide even more Jewish young people with a positive future, but we need more corporate partners to help us to achieve our mission. If you are interested to discuss how your company or organisation can partner with JLGB through benefit in kind or corporate sponsorship please email or call the office on 020 8989 8990.
Creative Skills produce websites for many organisations in the Jewish community, as well as in the corporate sector, and are also specialists in building apps for businesses. See more of their work at
>> CloseChief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis stood before a packed auditorium and told the crowd how humbled he was by the thousands of hours of good deeds collectively achieved by every winner of the Yoni Jesner Awards 2017; the acts of kindness award for 11-13 year olds, powered through JLGB’s evolve initiative.
Chief Rabbi Mirvis said:
“Being kind and volunteering is just not a policy to have in life but rather something that genuinely flows from your hearts and that is why the Yoni Jesner Awards are so precious within our community. It was so moving for me to hear Marsha Gladstone’s address to see members of the Jesner family here this evening, and to recognize the connection with JLGB.”
Since the launch of the Yoni Jesner Awards in 2014, over 2000 young people have contributed a phenomenal 25,000 hours of volunteering for charities and good causes across the UK, with 17 schools and youth groups taking part nationally.
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis stood before a packed auditorium and told the crowd how humbled he was by the thousands of hours of good deeds collectively achieved by every winner of the Yoni Jesner Awards 2017; the acts of kindness award for 11-13 year olds, powered through JLGB’s evolve initiative.
Chief Rabbi Mirvis said:
“Being kind and volunteering is just not a policy to have in life but rather something that genuinely flows from your hearts and that is why the Yoni Jesner Awards are so precious within our community. It was so moving for me to hear Marsha Gladstone’s address to see members of the Jesner family here this evening, and to recognize the connection with JLGB.”
Since the launch of the Yoni Jesner Awards in 2014, over 2000 young people have contributed a phenomenal 25,000 hours of volunteering for charities and good causes across the UK, with 17 schools and youth groups taking part nationally.
Powered by JLGB, in partnership with the Yoni Jesner Foundation, the award honours the memory of Yoni Jesner, a passionate volunteer from Glasgow who was tragically killed in a bus bomb in Tel Aviv in 2002, at just 19 years of age. This October marks 15 years since Yoni’s death, so it is especially poignant that Yoni’s twin nieces, Chloe and Leora Jesner, the first in the next generation of Jesners, participated in the award this year. Following in their uncle’s footsteps both girls went the extra mile completing not only the 20 hour award but also the 50 hour plus award.
Chloe and Leora are among the hundreds of young people who have completed the Yoni Jesner award and other national achievement awards through evolve, JLGB’s youth volunteering and skills initiative. The evolve digital platform allows young people to search for youth friendly volunteering opportunities in their local area that matches their skills and interests, in addition to tracking their achievements all in one place. As young people progress through the school years they can record their volunteering experiences on evolve and complete other nationally recognised awards and accreditations, including the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, vinspired awards and Open College Network accreditations.
Darcy Jarvie, student from JCoSS and participant in the 20 Award, said:
“The Yoni Jesner Award has encouraged us to open our eyes, and understand that there are people in this world who are less fortunate than ourselves, which spurred us on to take part in meaningful volunteering projects.”
To mark the 15th anniversary new branding was unveiled to represent the Yoni Jesner Award and its new digital and interactive look. The simple but extremely recognisable re-appropriated peace sign uses the 2 raised fingers to symbolise the achievement of 20 hours while subtly incorporating a Y and J to encourage participation and create a vibrant, modern and youthful aesthetic.
Marsha Gladstone, the mother of Yoni, who set up the Yoni Jesner Foundation, said:
“You are giving your own time, and you’re giving
with your heart, and those hours of time and that caring from the heart are more precious than anything. That is why I am so proud of you, and so proud to associate Yoni’s name with this project, because this way of giving is truly what Yoni was all about. It’s a particularly special and meaningful year for us as a family, with Leora and Chloe being the very first of my grandchildren to do the Yoni Jesner Award. This year is also extra special because we are introducing our new Yoni Jesner Foundation branding, it’s amazing how such a simple logo can convey so much.”
Neil Martin OBE, JLGB Chief Executive said:
“I think these inspirational young people who have achieved the award show our entire community the power of Yoni’s values and that our future is very much safe in their hands. We look forward to supporting them on to the next step in their evolve journey by taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. We are truly grateful to the Yoni Jesner Foundation for their partnership, which keeps the memory of Yoni Jesner alive and inspires thousands of young people to do more and give more.”
During the evening, Sam Clifford, Director of the Yoni Jesner Foundation, announced this year’s Yoni Jesner Scholar as Rachel Cooklin. The award will enable the 18-year-old head girl from Yavneh College in Borehamwood to spend a year in Israel, before heading to Birmingham University to study history.
See more pictures from the event HERE
Next year’s Yoni Jesner Awards will launch after Sukkot. If you or your child is in school years 7 or 8, now is a great time to sign up at
>> CloseThe following opportunities on this page are all volunteering opportunities. Whilst you may want to apply to these volunteering opportunities, please note these do not contribute towards the ORT JUMP programme. To complete your ORT JUMP programme you must attend 4 mentoring sessions, which will be assigned to you. |
Welcome to evolve's COVID-19 emergency opportunity page!
During these unprecedented times finding volunteering may be difficult, so below is a curated list of COVID-19 friendly opportunities that you are able to complete remotely! To apply to any of our volunteering opportunities make sure to sign up to properly track your volunteering journey and log your volunteering hours for national award progress. Happy volunteering! The evolve team |
Your account is still being approved by our team and will be ready for use soon. You will receive an email once it has been approved.
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You can not log your sessions until you have been assigned to a mentoring opportunity. You will receive an email once you have been matched with a mentor.
For enquiries please contact us at |
Thank you for submitting this opportunity. Our team will review it and approve of it as soon as possible.
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Congratulations! You've logged 20 hours for your Yoni Jesner Award. There's just one more step you need to do to complete the Award. There are 4 quick questions that we would like to ask you about your experience. Please click 'Next' to continue… |
Mazel Tov you have completed the Yoni Jesner 20 Award! This is a fantastic achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! We look forward to celebrating with you at our national award ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end; log 30 more hours of volunteering and you will be awarded the Yoni Jesner 50 Award! |
Congratulations! You've logged 50 hours for your Yoni Jesner Award. There's just one more step you need to do to complete the Award. There are 4 quick questions that we would like to ask you about your experience. Please click 'Next' to continue… |
Mazel Tov you have completed the Yoni Jesner 50 Award! This is a fantastic achievement and you should be very proud of yourself! We look forward to celebrating with you at our National Award Ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end; log 50 more hours of volunteering and you will be awarded the Yoni Jesner 100 Award! |
A huge Mazel Tov on completing your Yoni Jesner 100 award! This is the most impressive award of all and you should be very proud of yourself for achieving this! We look forward to celebrating with you at our National Award Ceremony where you will receive your certificate. More information will be revealed in the coming months so watch this space… This is not the end, your next award is just around the corner; keep volunteering and learn new skills by signing up to Bronze DofE in September. |
You have now completed your ORT JUMP Programme! Please complete the following essay to finalise your progress. You have successfully completed 4 mentoring sessions. This is a great achievement and you will have made a big impact on your mentee. WELL DONE! The evolve team. |
Your Volunteering hours has been approved. Please click on the button below to download your certificate. Click here to see instructions on how to upload your certificate to eDofE |
Step 1. Log in to Step 2. Click on Volunteering section Step 3. Click on manage evidence Step 4. Add photo or file evidence of certificate Step 5. Select your leader Step 6. Click save and submit After you have completed all of the above steps, click on "select for assessor report." This notifies your leader that this section is ready for approval. |
Yoni Jesner Info |
Thank you for signing up to evolve!
Our team will verify your application as soon as they can get in touch with you for your login details. We look forward to welcoming you on to our volunteering network! The evolve team |
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